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Scribbles Read online
Eddie's Scribbles
Copyright 2016 Eddie Lafrenaye
ISBN: 9781370696246 Title: Scribbles
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These random thoughts, often scribbled on the corners of pages during meetings or via email ramblings, are my own. Some are old, some are new, and none have been published before. Undoubtedly, these are not professional structured verse. I hope you find them amusing and possibly even thought provoking.
Years Go By
The Hill
Just a Temp
Better or Worse
Worker Whore
People Outside Sit
Snakebite Venom Bitch
Mr. Christmas Toad
Not Christmas
About the Author
Years Go By
Early Years
No Fears
Time Slow
Age Grow
College Done
Meet Someone
Ride Horse
Pleasure Source
Scared Commit
Finally Submit
Love Wife
Love Life
New House
Income Mouse
Dog One
Daughter Son
Later Years
Joyful Tears
Dog Two
Extra Woof
Daughter Schools
Learns Rules
Boy Schools
Learns Tools
Time Speeds
Family Needs
Dancing Reading
Academic Leading
Dirt Bikes
Mountain Hikes
Camping Fishing
Star Wishing
Activities Sports
Shirts Shorts
Dance Bands
Helping Hands
Family Lost
Life’s Cost
Children Sprout
Outgrown Out
Survive Fights
Love Unites
Pets Die
Passing By
Market Up
Never Enough
Market Down
Same Town
Daughter Grown
On Own
Son Ready
Reliable Steady
Aging Aging
Always Changing
Friends Come
Lose Some
Aches Pains
Love Remains
Time Persistent
Youth Distant
Two Alone
Stay Home
Old Comes
Leaves Young
The Hill
A long time ago on a hill far away
Lived a man that strived to enjoy every day
Each day was a gift of joy
To be spent with his wife, his girl and his boy
The children lived and grew big and strong
The world was their playground each day a song
They climbed trees and ran from bees
And slid down the hill when the snow was at their knees
Time passed as it always will
The girl and the boy moved away from the hill
The old man and the old woman chose to stay
And smile and laugh of days gone away
Cromes cromes balding domes
Crusty old men complain about their homes
They bitch about kids, wives, and jobs
They badmouth neatness freaks and slobs
They eyeball young women with perverse intent
Each one to the young just a gross malcontent
No topic escapes their complaints
They continue demeaning without self-restraints
Your beautiful green eyes, how they used to shine.
Now your eyes are spider webs of red lines.
They show the pollution of drugs and wine.
There was a time when your parents were so proud.
At games of skill and sport they shouted your name aloud.
Now your parents are broken hearted and ashamed.
They feel your sins and assume the blame.
Your family and friends silently cry.
And ask themselves.
Just a Temp
I’m just a temp. Yes, I’m only a temp.
And I make just enough to pay the rent.
I work hard all day, so I can get paid.
I need money for my honey so I can get laid.
The regular employees, well they screwed up
And I’m here with a crew just to clean it up.
I’ve got no insurance to cover my ass
So I better not step on some broken glass